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About Ministry 911

From Project Management to Discipleship Training, Ministry 911 offers a wide variety of services to help your ministry succeed.

Interim Teaching

Teacher and Preacher vacancies sometimes catch ministries by surprise leaving them grasping at straws for a quick fill-in. Ministry 911 can provide you with interim teaching and preaching while you conduct a more permanent search.

Worship with Music

Ministry 911 offers worship leading for churches, conference centers, campgrounds, weekend retreats, and a variety of other venues.

Ministering to Children

Ministry 911 can provide you with a qualified Children’s Speaker, coordinate your next Youth Outreach Event, and help Equip your Teachers and Volunteers in training our next generation of Godly leaders.

Discipleship Training

Ministry 911 provides practical Disipleship Training, tangibly showing ministries how to engage in true-to-life, Biblical Discipleship, as modeled by Christ, Himself.

Strategic Planning

Whether a new group trying to understand its unique God-given purpose, or a larger body tasked with refining oversized agendas, Ministry 911 can help you identify your strengths and define a Biblical strategy to implement them them into your community.

Human Resources and Finances

Ministry 911 offers a broad variety of services dealing with Personnel Management, Human Resources, Staff Training and Development, and Team Building regardless of size or paid/volunteer status.

Our Story

Ministry 911 was founded in 2009 by Pastor Jeff and Tracy Leaman for the purpose of responding to the physical and spiritual needs of other non-profit organizations throughout the United States.

The Ministry 911 service team offers over 75 years of hands on experience ranging from project management to discipleship training.  They are excited to assist, support, and encourage your ministry.  Contact them today!

Pastor Jef brings to Ministry 911 over 30 years of music, personnel development, and pastoral experience engaging teams related to church worship, traveling ministries, job readiness, relational coaching, administration, personal finance, and sales. Jef believes that every personal, spiritual, relational, and physical life concern can only be adequately addressed when Scripture is involved; when mentoring or facilitating small groups, he submits that finding answers without God’s Word only results in fleeting solutions.
Pastor Jef graduated from Lancaster Bible College in 1995 with a BS in Bible/General Ministries and a Music emphasis. A gifted teacher, Jef structures his sermons and lesson plans to actively engage various learning styles. His Biblical studies always include personal identification with characters in order to better understand and apply personal Scriptural truths.
Pastor Jef’s primary focus in worship is to connect with and lead people in a time of praise and thanksgiving to God. A passion for both traditional hymns and contemporary choruses, Jef strives to offer blended services where the words of the music are in line with Scriptural truths.
Whether tossing a football, or leading a growth group, Jef values opportunities to share God’s grace with boys and men, helping them realize the freedom Christ offers.
Tracy also brings close to three decades of a combination of ministry talents and business skills. Her uniquely interactive approach to teaching won her acclaim as Gospel Light’s Top 100 Sunday School Teachers of the Year. Her passion for discipleship comes from a core belief that training younger women should involve every facet of one’s life.
With 20 years of leadership administration involvement, Tracy brings a vast business operation skill set applicable to all ministries. She excels in strategic planning, improves team communication, and streamlines business processes. Her experience includes non-profit Human Resources/risk management/legal issues, Cemetery planning and implementation, and financial and corporate board operational support.
Tracy’s past endeavors include working with Lancaster Youth for Christ, Lancaster Youth Network of Churches, and as Church Business Administrator for Lancaster Evangelical Free Church. She went to school at Word of Life Bible Institute, Word of Life School of Youth Ministries, and Lancaster Bible College, where she graduated with a B.S. in Bible.
Jef and Tracy have a son, Adam, whom they enjoy parenting and training up in The Lord.
Total Years Experience
Organizations Helped
States Worked In
People Impacted

Interested in having Ministry 911 help your ministry or organization? Contact Us